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Total Records: 33 - Group: BBB / Category: BEVERAGE PRODUCTS / Subcategory: TEA
Record Name
1Bahgol STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Klingon tea-like beverage, mentioned when Curzon Dax and Kang remininsce. They first sat together over a glass of warm Bahgol at the Korvat colony when the Federation and the Klingon Empire were still enemies.

2Barbara's of Grimsby Earl Grey Tea SAUSAGE PARTY 2016 Animated FilmBeverage ProductsTea

Barbara's of Grimsby Earl Grey Tea
Tea product product sold at Shopwell's, singing during the opening song.

3Bergamot Tea STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Bergamot Tea
Tea that Neelix orders while Voyager passes through the Void.

4Cassius Tea STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS 2008 Animated SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Cassius Tea
Pre Vizsla offers Darth Maul Cassius Tea, made from the florets of the Cassius Tree.

5Chiraltan Tea STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Chiraltan Tea
Sisko decides to try something different from raktajino the morning after meeting Fenna.

6Colorado Iced Tea STEPHEN KING'S THE SHINING 1997 FilmBeverage ProductsTea

Colorado Iced Tea
Bottle Wendy finds in Jack's study and takes a drink, checking to make sure it's not alcohol.

7Contala Tea FARSCAPE 1999 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Contala Tea
Beverage that D'Argo brings to Verrell.

8Deka Tea STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Deka Tea
The food provided for the Cardassian comfort women in Kira's orb time travel experience includes fresh moba, katterpod beans, hasperat, veklava and a pot of deka tea.

9Faewild Tea ONWARD 2020 Animated FilmBeverage ProductsTea

Faewild Tea
Tea served at the Manticore Tavern.

10Fanalian Tea STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Fanalian Tea
Ezri offers Lieutenant Ilario raktajino in her quarters, then orders herself a Fanalian Tea, hot. "Are you all right? Do you want some raktajino?"

11Gavaline Tea STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Gavaline Tea
Lwaxana pops in to Odo's quarters for a cup of Gavaline tea.

12Granny's Peach Tea BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE 2016 FilmBeverage ProductsTea

Granny's Peach Tea
Explosive taste.

13Happy Dreams Tea FRASIER 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Happy Dreams Tea
KACL's biggest sponsor. Frasier gets fired for not reading their radio spots.

14Kelpian Tea STAR TREK: DISCOVERY 2017 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Kelpian Tea
Tea from Kaminar.

15Langone Tea LIMITLESS 2015 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Langone Tea
Tea product box that Brian uses to get Special Agent Naz's fingerprints.

16Lemon Infused Iced Tea BARB AND STAR GO TO VISTA DEL MAR 2021 FilmBeverage ProductsTea

Lemon Infused Iced Tea
Soft drink option on eccentric villain Sharon Fisherman's soft drink machine.

17Leola Bark Tea STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Leola Bark Tea
Tea that Neelix makes for Harry to sooth his stomach.

18Liver DisasterSCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD 2010 FilmBeverage ProductsTea

Liver Disaster
Tea Ramona Flowers offers Scott.

19Marob Root Tea STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Marob Root Tea
Tolen Ren's wife Lidell offers Tom Paris Marob Root Tea, which she likes to drink when it's raining.

20Marrow Tea STAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Marrow Tea
Jae offers Raffi marrow tea.

21Nas-Tea IDIOCRACY 2006 FilmBeverage ProductsTea

Stupid future version of Nestea. Slogan: "It's good"

22Purple Slimecap Stinkhorn TeaWISH YOU WERE HERE 2005 LiteratureBeverage ProductsTea

Purple Slimecap Stinkhorn Tea

23Pyrellian Ginger Tea STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Pyrellian Ginger Tea
When Odo's investigation of Bajoran collaborator Che'so's death leads him to Kira, she tells him that he gave her Pyrellian Ginger tea.

24Qualactin Hypermint ExtractTHE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY 1978 LiteratureBeverage ProductsTea

Qualactin Hypermint Extract
Beverage mentioned in the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster recipe. "Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qualactin Hypermint extract, redolent of all the heady odours of the dark Qualactin Zones, subtle sweet and mystic."

25Red Leaf Tea STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Red Leaf Tea
Tea beverage from various episodes.

26Sleepy Crime THE LATE SHOW 2015 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Sleepy Crime
New tea flavor - Sleepy Time + Donald Trump, inspired by Trump falling asleep in court on the first day of his New York hush money case trial.

27Stanley's Morning 3x5 THE OFFICE 2005 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Stanley's Morning 3x5
Tea Pete prepares for Stanley daily - iced tea with 3 sugars & 5 creams.

28Takana Root Tea STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Takana Root Tea
Beverage that Ekoria brings to Bashir and Jadzia while they work to cure the Quickening.

29Taladine Tea FARSCAPE 1999 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Taladine Tea
Tea Zhaan mentions.

30Tarkalean Tea STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Tarkalean Tea
Beverage from various episodes.

31Uni-Tea IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA 2005 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Artemis hands out her special tea to the ladies on the all women's flight to The Women's March, which she spiked, making everybody vomit.

32Vulcan Spice Tea STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Vulcan Spice Tea
Tea that Tuvok serves Captain Janeway in his quarters.

33Yacqui Indian Memory Tea THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesBeverage ProductsTea

Yacqui Indian Memory Tea
Tea Marge serves Homer to get him to remember his repressed trauma.

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